
White Paper

Total Token Supply: 100,000,000,000 $RALF

Token Distribution:

  1. Marketing: 30,000,000,000 $RALF (30%)

    • This fund is allocated for supporting marketing campaigns, advertising, and promotion of the RALF.GAMES ecosystem. Effective marketing strategies will make the platform more accessible and appealing to new users.

  2. DEX (DeCentralized Exchanges): 10,000,000,000 $RALF (10%)

    • This reserve provides liquidity on decentralized exchanges, ensuring seamless and secure trading of $RALF tokens on various platforms.

  3. CEX (Centralized Exchanges): 10,000,000,000 $RALF (10%)

    • Providing liquidity on centralized exchanges expands accessibility and convenience for acquiring $RALF tokens for a wider user base.

  4. Ecosystem: 15,000,000,000 $RALF (15%)

    • This fund will be used for the development and improvement of the RALF.GAMES ecosystem itself. This includes creating and enhancing gaming content, technical support, and innovative developments.

  5. Presale: 35,000,000,000 $RALF (35%)

    • Access to $RALF tokens at the project's outset is provided through the presale. This gives early supporting investors a unique opportunity to get involved in the project at its initial stages.

Advantages of $RALF Tokenomics:

  1. Balanced Long-Term Growth:

    • The token distribution is designed to ensure long-term sustainability and growth of the project. It's a balanced allocation between marketing, liquidity, and ecosystem development.

  2. Liquidity Creation:

    • Active support for both decentralized and centralized exchanges ensures high liquidity of $RALF tokens, facilitating smooth trading and exchange.

  3. Ecosystem Development:

    • The ecosystem development fund allows for continuous improvement and expansion of offerings within RALF.GAMES, introducing innovations and meeting user needs.

  4. Early Investment Opportunities:

    • The presale offers early investors a chance to access $RALF tokens on more favorable terms.

  5. Incentivizing Participation in the Ecosystem:

    • The distribution of tokens across various funds encourages user participation in different aspects of the RALF.GAMES ecosystem, from trading to development.

Last updated